Safe & Secure – Protection Pays for Local Company

VetSec News

In recent years, many businesses have found that success hinges on an ability to diversify. Few industries have had to adapt as quickly to change as private and corporate security companies. Phoenix-based Veterans Security has let customer demand lead them to new services and markets.

Three former military policemen, Chad Benham, William Brandon and Ennio Canziani, founded the company in 1994. While they began by offering security guard services, they quickly found requests coming in for other services such as mobile response to alarms and emergencies.They have since expanded services to Tucson and Las Vegas.

“Good alarm response providers are in great demand,” said Benham. “Clients tell us the biggest headache is when it takes two to three hours for someone to respond to an alarm. We found a way to respond in less than 30 minutes.”

The company took off once they integrated technology with the physical presence of security guards. They utilize the latest in GPS tracking systems and other security technologies to provide industrial, commercial and residential security.

“When you operate either physical security or technological security independently, there are limitations,” said Benham. “Add the capabilities for remote surveillance to real time interaction, and you’ve got the basis of an enhanced system.”

Both Benham and Canziani credit continued growth to a focus on client retention. “Perhaps it’s part of having a military background,” observed Benham, “but we’re very loyal to our customers. In hard times, we appreciate them more than ever. We sharpen our pencils, go the extra mile and do whatever it takes to help them protect themselves, their homes and their companies.”

– by Kay Sperduti

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